Never have I been tested more when trying to achieve a goal than I have been when archery hunting. Shooting a bow and arrow is not a skill that you learn, set down for months or years and pick up expecting to be as good as you were the last time you shot. This sport is a mental game that you must be on top of 24/7 in order to be successful and not leave the field with regrets. The other key to success is not giving up. The reason the percentage of filled tags is so low across western game hunting is because people give up before the hunt is over. It could be day one, day 5 or it could be Sunday morning instead of sticking it out to Sunday night and heading to work tired on Monday if geography and paychecks allow. The hardest part of hunting is not the mechanics of pulling a bow back and releasing the arrow. The hardest part is keeping a clear and level head when your tired cold and hungry, out of breath, at your wits end ready to give up, in pain or otherwise not yourself and making the 110% effort on a shot you've been working so hard for. And even if you miss, you've still hit the bullseye of success. If you connect and pack out heavy, the success is simply that much sweeter.