Cornbread Waffles

Cornbread Waffles

Chili is a common comfort food this time of year. Warm, filling, and satisfying, especially as the weather is changing. For my family, the go to accompaniment is cornbread. However, I have found as a late that my tastes in cornbread have changed. Don’t get me wrong, I love the boxed cornbread that is really a corn cake. But I wanted something savory to give a different enhancement to the chili. Well, I found the right inspiration and talk about a game changer.......... This recipe would also be great with tamale pie.  


olive oil or coconut oil cooking spray

1.25 cups All-purpose flour ( you can use whole wheat or any other flour you prefer just know that the density and texture will change). 

1 cup cornmeal

1.5 teaspoons baking powder

1 tsp. Garlic powder, chili powder, or other preferred spice

1tbs raw sugar

1tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt and pepper

1 cup whole milk (or other preferred milk –butter, coconut, almond, etc)

1/4 cup melted fat (ghee/coconut oil/butter) cup melted coconut oil

1 egg, beaten

Optional Ingredients: sweet corn, cheese, cilantro, diced jalapenos 



1. Start heating your waffle iron. 

2. Combine all dry ingredients into a bowl. Whisk together until well combined. 

3. Add wet ingredients. Mix thoroughly until there are no clumps, but don’t over whisk so that gluten in the flour is activated.

4. Spray waffle iron lightly. 

5. **Depending on you waffle iron, you may have to adjust the amount of batter that you add. For my waffle iron it was a scant ½ cup. 

6. Allow to cook until golden brown. Time will different with each waffle iron and the amount of batter that the waffle iron holds. So watch it closely. And, I suggest letting it cook a little long if you plan on having chili on top to ensure that it doesn’t turn to mush too quickly

7. Set on plate and serve chili and all the fixings on top of the waffle. 

And last but not least enjoy! #_westerninfluence

Image source: Savory Cornbread Waffles from

Image source: Savory Cornbread Waffles from

Please note that some of the ingredients added to this recipe are my own individual tastes, as well as, what there was available to use.  The recipes that served as inspiration for this recipe can be found here: -original recipe

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