The Essential X Series: The Guys Backed Out

The Essential X Series: The Guys Backed Out

She’s one tough lady and a better shot than most. Her earliest memories below:

“Hmm. Well I was about 12 and went out in the puget sound fishing with my dad. 4am didn't appeal to me then any more than it does now. I can't remember if we caught any salmon.

I didn't hunt until my husband and I were married.

I hiked as a kid and camped with my grand dad and Aunt and Uncle who were avid outdoors adventurers.

I loved the out of doors then and still do.

I started hunting with Terry because his buddies backed out at the last minute. I've been going ever since. That started in 1969 when there weren't many women in the field. The first time I didn't carry a rifle, just went with him. He missed a buck so I told him I didn't care if I ever shot a deer but I was not going without caring a rifle.

He took me shooting and I love the hunting. Oh, I was about 22 at that time. What a joy!😁😁”

The Coach Series

The Coach Series

The Essential X Series: Family Affair

The Essential X Series: Family Affair