The Essential  X Series Hunting from Early On

The Essential X Series Hunting from Early On

Waking up early to go hunt is something that as an adult we just do. We know we have to do it for the best chance at success. When we are young however, it creates such a fond memory that lasts a lifetime.

Our next story comes from one of us. She went from tagging along with her parents to being an inspiration for so many of us in the field, on a stream and in the kitchen making delicious dishes from all the wild fare she and her family now take.

“I can remember at maybe 5 years old, my parents created a mini bed of a bunch of pillows and blankets in the backseat of my dads extended cab '95 Silverado. We went out on my moms late cow elk hunt and drove roads.

My younger brother and I were so cozy in the backseat.

My parents would stop and go glass and come back and we would keep driving. We finally came across a herd of elk, my parents bailed out of the truck, got my mom set up, and she shot her cow.

Then we all as a family walked up to it and I ran right up and sat on the cow.

I was so proud of my mama and thought she was just the coolest!”

The Essential X Series: A Method as old as time

The Essential X Series: A Method as old as time

The Essential X Series: Lost Sheep

The Essential X Series: Lost Sheep